As a Congregational Partner of the Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Project, Temple Beth Israel provides community engagement and spiritual, social and physical access to and inclusion in meaningful Jewish life and tradition. We welcome and include as active congregants and participants interfaith families, people of all ethnic backgrounds, members of the LGBTQ+ community, those of all physical and cognitive abilities and those with mental illnesses. We work to build knowledge and awareness of diversity and inclusion issues and to help ensure that our congregation provides an inclusive environment in which all can be engaged.
New Inclusion Committee Chair
Dear TBI members,
I want to introduce myself. My name is Sue Schy and I am the new Inclusion Chair taking over for Howard Trachtman. I have had hearing loss my entire life and currently have 2 cochlear implants, which help me to hear. I also have 3 adult children and 2 grandchildren. I joined TBI last year and immediately found a warm and inclusive community waiting for me and willing to help me navigate my own special needs.
I want to be here for all of you. Temple Beth Israel wants to be here for all of you, but we need to know who you are and what it is that you need from us. I am well-versed in hearing assistive technology and devices, but not so much about other needs of our community. As I’ve found out over the years, people are ready and more than willing to help if we only find our voice and ask. It is far too easy to just sit back, and, as I did as a child, just nod my head and pretend that I could hear what was going on. I’m a pro at bluffing, but not so much at always getting my needs met. Advocacy is the key to not only getting those needs met, but also key in educating others as to what those needs are. Please be in touch to let me know what we can do for you and what you might need for assistance in our community.
Unconscious bias exists with all of us. While we strive to be diverse, promote equity, and be inclusive, we also need to know if we are falling short.
I only have 2 questions to get this dialogue started. What is required by law and what individual needs are often few and far between, and often fall short of what an individual needs tin order to navigate their world.
What specific needs do you have?
How do you feel as a community that we can meet those needs?
Enjoy the rest of your summer. I look forward to hearing (pun intended) from you soon.