Service in Solidarity with the Jewish Community and Israel

On Thursday evening, October 12, Temple Beth Israel opened its doors to host an interfaith Metro West Boston service in solidarity with the Jewish community and Israel.

We invited all who wished to come together in solidarity with and support of the Jewish community and Israel. Our sanctuary and our hearts were filled.

In the face of the unprecedented attack on Israel the prior weekend that launched a deadly war, we joined in person and online with our faith and community partners to pray for peace, healing, and comfort for all in the region.

We invite you to experience the strength of community by viewing the recording of the service by clicking on the photo of Rabbi Chaidell above.

Thank you to all who attended and to these community and religious leaders who spoke and sang with extraordinary depth of feeling:

From top left: Rabbi Benjamin Chaidell, Temple Beth Israel; Cantor Ellen Band, Temple Beth Israel; Linda Ungerleider, Board President, Temple Beth Israel; Mayor Jeannette McCarthy, City of Waltham; Councilor Paul Katz, City of Waltham; Captain Jeffrey Rodley, Community Relations Officer, Waltham Police Department; Rev. Thomas Maehl, First Lutheran Church of Waltham; Phyllis Werlin, Board Secretary, Temple Beth Israel; Rev. Dr. Kapya Kaoma, Christ Church Episcopal; Deborah José, Board President, First Parish in Waltham; Erika Mackin, Board Vice President, Temple Beth Israel

What can you do?

It is easy to feel helpless watching the news.

Here are three action items to make a difference right now:

Personal Support: Reach out to Jewish and Israeli people you know to offer your care and support. It means a lot to know we are not alone.

Be an Ambassador: Advocate to your representatives in Congress about the importance of standing with Israel in its war on terror. Visit for more information.

Donate: Offer immediate relief to the families whose loved ones died, are held hostage, or have been wounded and displaced from their homes by contributing to the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Boston Fund for Israel at War:

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