
At Temple Beth Israel, we have a number of ways to engage. Each of our standing committees, listed below, is intricately involved in the daily life of the congregation and has representation on the board of directors. If you are interested in participating, please link here to contact the synagogue office for more information, email at or call 781-894-5146. And here are some recent remarks on ways to engage at TBI.

Committees Concerned with Temple Administration and Business

  • Cemetery The Cemetery Committee ensures the property management and operations of Beth Israel Memorial Park, including the management of a fund for its perpetual care and upkeep. More information is available on the Lifecycle Events page.
  • Development The Development Committee conceives, plans, publicizes and executes fundraising events and other fund development activities for the Temple.
  • Finance The Finance Committee is responsible for the annual budget and the oversight and management of the Temple’s financial assets and audits.
  • House The House Committee manages the maintenance, repair and alterations of the Temples building and grounds.
  • Membership The Membership Committee provides outreach to attract and retain Temple members, and monitors membership levels and the factors that influence membership decisions.

Committees Concerned with Temple Activities and Community

  • Hesed/Caring Members of Temple Beth Israel worship, celebrate, and learn together, but we also do more: we support one another in times of illness, injury, loss, isolation, and other life-challenging situations. Whether the occasion is one of joy or sorrow, the Chesed Committee can help make sure that no member of the congregation feels alone. Learn more on the Chesed page.
  • Program The Program Committee plans, organizes, implements and publicizes social, educational and cultural activities and coordinates with other committees that hold events. Learn about upcoming programs on the Community Events page.
  • Ritual/Religious The Ritual/Religious Committee plans, organizes and supervises the Temple’s religious and ritual activities, under Rabbinic guidance in an coordination with the clergy. Learn about these activities in the sections under “Pray” in the main menu.
  • Social Justice The Social Justice Committee plans, organizes and supervises social justice and social action activities; it incorporates an Inclusion sub-committee that focuses on accessibility and inclusion of all potential members and guests.
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