Friday Night Services

On the first Friday of every month, we hold a Kabbalat Shabbat with Maariv as a multi-access service, both in-house and online, beginning at 6:30 pm. All other Friday nights we hold Kabbalat Shabbat services online only from 5:30-6:00 pm.

Click here to join services any Friday evening.

Join us on Friday nights November 1, 15, 22, and 29 for online only services beginning at 5:30pm. Zoom Link is listed above.

Join us on Friday December 6th at 6:30pm for our service and dinner. Please sign up by clicking here and you can either pay by check, or Paypal below.

To sign up for Friday Night Dinner on December 6th at 6:30pm please click here.

To pay for Friday Night Dinners Click the Paypal Donate Button Below.

Link here to our community health protocols.

The Mark Frydenberg Event Participation Fund: TBI wants to ensure that all Temple members of our community can attend any Shabbat or holiday meal, and other TBI events requiring a fee. The Mark Frydenberg Event Participation Fund makes this possible. You can choose to pay the standard single, two-person or family fee for Shabbat dinner or a lower amount. If you choose a lower amount, simply note “Event Participation Fund” in the explanation. The fee you choose remains private. The fund was renamed to honor Mark Frydenberg upon the completion of his six years of service as board president, in recognition of the unprecedented progress TBI made in accessibility and inclusion under his leadership.

If you wish to use the Event Participation Fund and are paying by check, simply note that it is an “other amount” for the event, on your check. If you are able to pay above the standard fee, we welcome you to do so and we will apply the excess to the Fund. This effort is well-funded, but if at any time it lacks funds we will allow only standard fees at that time.

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