Welcome to TBI

Temple Beth Israel is a vibrant, diverse, traditional and close-knit congregation. We are an independent synagogue that seeks to provide spiritual, social and physical access to and inclusion in meaningful Jewish life and tradition.  We enjoy a full calendar of religious, social, educational and social justice dialogue and activities for the many ways our congregants and friends connect to Judaism, to their community, and to the world at large. With a 100+ year history in Waltham, on any given day we find members who were born into Temple Beth Israel warmly embracing newcomers.

To view our online and phone in service links click here. You can also click on any of the services below to join on Zoom.

Friday Night Shabbat Service March 14, 21, 28 begin at 5:30pm online only.

ZOOM LINK Friday Night Services March 7th at 5:30pm
Saturday morning Shabbat service
9:30 am every week / multi-access
Thursday morning minyan
8:00 am every week / online only

Weekly e-bulletin sign-up
Stay up to date on events
The latest edition of Temple Talk
Our monthly newsletter

Online access to prayer booksInformation on other events, on our events page

“My house shall be a house of prayer for all people.” (Isaiah 56:7)

Click the fliers below to sign up to attend / pay for, any of these wonderful events.

We updated our community health protocols on May 7, 2023. View full information and procedures here.

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